Category: News

Key things to know about Software as a Service

The world of Software as a Service, or SaaS, has brought technology to a level that has transformed businesses large and small. We wanted to share how SaaS works and also how it might be an advantage to use. If scaling and cost savings are a concern, SaaS could be a solution that makes sense.

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A primer on the UK’s approach to net zero

There have been some significant challenges to the net zero policy that the UK government advocates, mainly due to economic factors. Still, those leading the charge are hoping to keep the net zero issue alive – albeit with some empathy about the current situation. Here are several views on this still a vital concern for everyone in the UK.

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How the cloud is transforming business for the better

We wanted to share more with you about how the cloud and its computing powers have led to the business transformation that is helping all types of businesses. From time-saving techniques to better overall security, it’s become a true go-to for companies that want to improve how they do business.

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The benefits of working in the cloud

In our latest blog, we go into a little more detail about cloud services. We talk about the advantages of using this technology, as well as some security features that are must-haves if you’re considering a move to the cloud.

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More on the UK Building Safety Act

One of the biggest reforms in building safety recently passed Parliament in the UK, and it also features some provisions for carbon emissions and clean energy. Here’s a look at what has changed for building owners.

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Carbon Hub can help unlock access to funding

We have a solution that we’d like to share details on that will help with your energy management. Carbon Hub is able to use cloud computing to its absolute limit, using data and analytics you can set up that will show in great detail what is truly happening with your energy use.

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