G-Cloud 14 Framework
G-Cloud 14 is the latest government framework agreement (managed by Crown Commercial Services) through which supplier cloud-based solutions such as Carbon Hub and Apex are made available through a front-end catalogue called the Digital Marketplace. For the buyer, procuring services through a framework is a much more efficient process without having to manage multiple stages and contracts.
The Rowanwood Carbon Hub solution is now available on the Digital Marketplace, visit to see our listing, packages, prices and terms and conditions. For further information or clarification, please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of this webpage and one of our colleagues will get in touch.
The Carbon Hub Cloud-9 hosted energy management solution is available for organisations to procure through the Digital Marketplace under the G-Cloud14 frameworks.
Carbon Hub does not require an asset management solution to deliver a powerful, real-time energy management system, however it will easily integrate with your existing housing information system to provide synchronicity across all platforms.
Rowanwood, supported by Sava and its Intelligent Energy software, provides the Carbon Hub solution to all Housing Providers required to meet the government set net zero targets of 57% by 2030, 75% by 2035 and 100% by 2050 for each of the properties in their managed portfolio. Carbon Hub has the potential to help unlock your access to nearly £5bn of Government funding available to UK organisations.
The Rowanwood Carbon Hub solution will be available on the Digital Marketplace when G-Cloud14 become available in the Autumn. Until the Marketplace becomes available for customers, please see our Carbon Hub webpage for further information or clarification, or use the Contact Us form at the bottom of this webpage and one of our colleagues will get in touch.