First Cloud-9 Contract!

Rowanwood Professional Services Limited; the specialist provider of Social Housing Asset Management software and Information & Technology solutions, is delighted to announce its first Cloud-9 contract win which allows the Apex Asset Management Software to be fully available in the Cloud.

Our Customer, one of England’s largest providers of specialist care homes faced an immediate requirement to migrate the Apex software from an old legacy infrastructure to a new, ‘state of the art’ solution incorporating latest server and operating system technology.  They sought advice from Rowanwood, and they quickly concluded the most expedient course of action would be to migrate to the Cloud-9 offering.  By pursuing this plan, it would quickly resolve the immediate technology challenges and also allow them to concentrate on other more important business priorities following their recent merger with another housing association.

We were confident that our recently built Cloud-9 solution would be an ideal replacement, as our technology team had worked extensively with our third party digital transformation partner to deploy a robust and secure solution taking full advantage of the capabilities of the Microsoft Azure platform whilst meeting the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) requirements outlined in the recent GDPR legislation.

Time was of the essence for this project and Rowanwood was able to complete the transition to Cloud-9 in under 6 weeks; on time and within budget.

Our Customer has now been using the Cloud-9 solution for a number of months and through the use of a single web based platform, they are able to access all the functionality of Apex in the Cloud and efficiently manage property maintenance schedules as well as Health and Safety compliance relating to Asbestos, Fire Risk and Servicing management.

For more information, please visit our Cloud-9 page, or fill in our ‘Contact Us’ form below. 
