Doing something right for the environment is an essential part of doing business in the UK. Being able to manage energy in the most efficient manner possible is a particularly effective way to make a true difference with carbon footprint and other concerns.
One of the ways this can take place is through the latest technology, especially in the cloud. A particularly good solution is known as Carbon Hub. By managing all of the aspects of energy and by including key business features, it can truly transform the way you do business — and also help to transform the world around you.
Features that cover the gamut of energy management
First, let’s talk about the system requirements for Carbon Hub — and they are relatively easy to discern. Using our secure Cloud-9 environment, it is accessible from any device with internet connectivity. Up to 10 users can be on the system at any time, and there are full audit trails.
The individual elements of Carbon Hub go beyond just energy management. It has an asset management component that can sort into customizable types. You can import data from varied sources. And, there is a robust energy reporting module that can support more than 50 outputs.
You can also configure user defined assets and data, and permissions can be strictly defined to ensure the best security.
Truly see where your energy is being spent
It is with the energy management features, though, that you can use the data you collect to your advantage. By collecting this data in a more thorough manner, you can apply for more government funding as you demonstrate you are doing the right thing with carbon emissions and energy usage.
With Carbon Hub, you can view your energy performance with interactive charts, setting the parameters as needed. It’s also easy to calculate the energy performance of your company, including energy efficiency recommendations that can be used to improve what is taking place. Other features include mapping and information exporting, target setting, improvement analysis modules and capital cost analysis.
With all of these elements in place, it will bring all the information you need about your energy usage into a single space. It’s a technology that can be customized for the type of report you need, satisfying the needs of government regulators as well as the company leadership.
Solutions customized to fit your business
Energy management is just one way that Rowanwood can help with your business needs. We also have technologies that can address housing asset management, cloud-hosted services, technology creation needs, IT services, information security and GDPR assessments.
It’s a comprehensive approach with a highly skilled team ready to help. To find out more, go to our website.